商用 e-mail 下筆 so easy(3):信末格式(含完整範例)

這是一篇完整的 email 範例:

Dear Mr. Chu:

The reason I am writing to you is to let you know about our consulting services. You will 

be pleased to know that we offer our highly professional services at prices much cheaper

than the competition. For your reference, I’m enclosing a list of our consulting services and 

the fees we charge.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Daphne Marsh

Marketing Manager 

Consultants R' Us 

開頭和結尾的粗體字,是我們「商用 e-mail 下筆 so easy」(1)(2)所教大家的內容。最後紅圈圈裡面的文字,就是商用英文書信的結尾格式信末時,我們用一樣的書寫順序和文字就可以囉!

  • 祝福語:Best regards, / Yours truly, / Yours sincerely,(中譯:「真摯的祝福,」)

  • 姓 名:Daphne Marsh

  • 職 稱:Marketing Manager(行銷經理)/Administrative Assistant(行政助理)/Purchasing Staff(採購專員)/Marketing Executive(行銷專員)

  • 公司名:Consultants R' Us

內容擷取自常春藤長銷書《教你寫職場 E-mail 英語》

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